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Showing posts from March, 2017

The Bocas Triangle

We took the panga down the coast of Isla San Cristobal, through mangroves to Dolphin Bay and then through the cut by the teak trees and all the way to the mainland where a mechanic lives in a house in the water, well not really IN the water, in the mangroves. Its a long ride from Bocas Town, about 40 minutes, but our trip was well rewarded with the elusive engine part we were looking for. Finally, the starter on the panga was fixed. There is a tiny gas station next to the mechanics house, but we decided we had enough gas to get home, and anyway, storm clouds were brewing and we wanted to try to beat the rain. We backtracked out of the bay, and raced through the mangroves as dark thunderheads spread across the sky. Leaving the mangroves behind, we headed north and kept the island close by on our left. The rain had begun and visibility was getting low. We figured we would have no problem if we followed the island until it ended. From there we should be able to see Bocas town.