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Feeding Iguanas

black spiny-tailed iguana

"Here lizard, lizard, lizard..."

I called, but he didn't come. He flung himself into a crevice between the rocks. Flung is a good word for it. The Yucatan's black spiny-tailed iguanas are the fastest running lizards on earth. I left him a treat. Three round green pods. Maybe, when I was gone, he would venture back into the sunshine and find my peace offering.

I hope to make friends with him, the lizard that is, or at least one of them. Every time I head down to the beach I startle a flock of them sunbathing in the grass or on the walk or on top of the cemented limestone walls.

They love hibiscus flowers, which is not surprising. I love hibiscus tea (called Jamaica here and pronounced like hamica). They love strawberries too, but those are a little more difficult to come by.

So the other day when I managed to get close to one, I offered him a round green pod from an orange flowered tree. I have no idea what the pod is called. I have no clue as to the kind of tree. But Mr. Lizard didn't seem to care. He just snatched it up and gulped it down right there in front of me.


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