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Mexican Morning

The sea is calm this morning after days of raging. Its rhythm calms me a little. The sun is just rising and the palapas are turning gold. I love these mornings when the air is still and clean. Orange oriels sing and land on my yellow flowering vines looking for butterflies for breakfast.

Today the plan is to go diving right out here in front of Pueblo Escondido where I live, if it be temporarily.  Nothing here is set in stone. Not the wind nor the waves nor the condition of the reef under them. Endangered sea turtles struggle for survival. Maybe I will dance with one today.

Just off shore the water is clear. I can see the limestone stretching out beneath the waves and disappearing into the vast blue where the sea floor quickly drops from 40-400 feet. I love it here. The tropical breezes, the infant fish that grow in the tide pools, the tiny ones with blank and yellow stripes and the ones that are half purple and half yellow. They have found a safe place in which to grow, as I hope have I.

Mexico reaches its warm arms out to me this morning and invites me to dive in.


  1. yes...its so beautiful here. Love you Dad!

  2. So have to go there !! I'll snorkel while you dive! HA Or just sit and look at your beautiful view!


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