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Alligators at the Door

Her name was Alexandra. We met her in the poorest community on Ambergris Caye. This little island girl skipped barefoot across the maze of narrow planks that served as a path connecting flooded houses to the banked sand road. We followed her. It wasn't until later that day that we learned alligators live in the shallow waters beneath her home.

Imagine her delight when we invited her and her 6 year old brother to drive our rented golf cart. Giggles and wide-eyed excitement. Imagine what happened to my heart when she asked me to take her home with me. I don't know why it seems I run into the these stories over and over again. Everywhere I go I see the beauty in the poverty. Just look at this little girl's genuine smile. When was the last time I smiled like that? When was the last time you did?


  1. You have such a beautiful way of putting words can visualize it even without the picture. Hope you keep up this blog; it is heartwarming and demonstrates your love of life.


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