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A Broken Hallelujah

Never in my life have I seen the sun so enormous. It seems we are close enough to the equator here to effect the very size of the sun. We sat and had dinner at a restaurant high up on the mountain and while the Spanish band played Hallelujah on guitar and congas, the sun sank into the sea. This was one of those moments that are hard to describe. The words of the song speak of a humble and a broken Hallelujah and in the moment that the super-sized sun touch the horizon, tears streamed down my face as I realized that it is from of our brokenness and humble honesty that things of  life and value emerge. I think we all try to cover the sadness and disappointment we feel with focusing on the positives in life, but I find it is in admitting the reality of how we feel deep down inside and embracing it and allowing it to do its work in us that we are profoundly and forever changed.


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