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Magic in the Palm Groves

One of my favorite things about driving down the long road to Manuel Antonio is the palm groves. Rows and rows of palm trees, their trunks laden with ferns I would have given my right arm for when I lived in south Carolina, create a magical green world along the narrow highway.

The trees bear bright red berries growing in huge bunches just where you think the coconuts might grow. The color, like cranberries at christmas time. But the best part is the old fashioned carts pulled by oxen and directed by real Costa Rican cowboys.


  1. Laura, I love how you can make any place seem so magical and that it would be a crime to not visit it at least once in your life! Hope to see you this year my dear, dear friend!!! Much love and hugs,
    Quiche Laurie'

  2. Laura, I love how you can make any place seem so magical and that it would be a crime to not visit it at least once in your life! Hope to see you this year my dear, dear friend!!! Much love and hugs,
    Quiche Laurie'


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