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Hair-raising Noises in the Rainforest

As you watch this video, make sure you turn up the sound.
Haunting. Hair-raising. I cannot imagine the fear that would have run through my veins, the adrenaline rush, the chills, had I been a wanderer here 300 years ago, standing on this coast, a European discoverer with no clue as the what was making this sound. 

I like to imagine it. I am standing on a mountain peeking through the mango, papaya, and almond trees. Mist from the early morning is rising along with the humidity. I can hear the waves of the Great Pacific off in the distance and exotic birds call to each other across the valley. 

You finish the story. I am here today and this is my reality. I am thankful I can listen to these cries and know where they are coming from. Never-the-less, an early morning in this rainforest has a way of taking me out of my comfort zone and awakening something more primal within me.


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