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Tiki Laundry Surrender

Tiki Laundry. You cannot imagine how good it feels to watch brilliant white linens waving like flags of surrender in the wind. Surrender to a simple life. Surrender to cold showers and butterflies and sunshine drying and foreign languages and chickens that were supposed to be egg-laying chickens but aren't and are now simply part of the family and will continue to be happy chickens.

Surrender is not about living without, but rather living with. It requires a change of perspective. I choose to let the wind take me to a place where I get to have showers that cool my body from the heat of the day, and I get to chase butterflies, and I get to hang sweet-smelling wash out on the line, and I get to stretch my brain and learn new words, and I get to chase fluffy white chickens and hear them happily clucking as they chase bugs and nibble on left-over bits of papaya.

Surrender is not such a bad thing.



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