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Another Skateboard Appears

A little guy on the Island of Carenero skated boarded circles around the other kids on a borrowed board in front of the grocery store. It really is the only place they have to play. Well, our hearts went out to him and today we took him shopping in town for a skateboard of his own. His name is Josel and he is 8...or will be in a couple of days. You should have seen the determination on his little face as he kept up with us at a good clip dodging in and out of stores looking for a new board.

We finally found one. Its got Captain America on it. He grinned carefully and said thank you (in Spanish of course)

Back in the panga (our little traditional Panamanian boat) and back across the bay to Carenero. Josel got to try out his new board on the concrete in front of the store. Of course, a few other kids were there to help him. Last I saw, he was trotting off home with his board in both hands propped behind his back.

We headed back to the marina to discover that a friend and backpacker who left the islands today left a skateboard behind. Cool-a-rama! We have another board to hand out to another budding athlete!

Funny how when you follow your heart and MOVE forward, things MOVE into place with you
I plan to do more MOVING!

Going Forward,

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Live is an adventure, Live it!


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