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Fire! In a Village With No Roads in, Only Wooden Plank Bridges

We spent the morning walking through La Solution--a village literally built over a marsh in Panama where we are doing what we can to help a sick orphan boy and his little brother. After taping the video in my last post, we went back into Bocas town (just a few blocks away) and had lunch at our favorite hang out.

When we finished and walked back out into the street, we saw a huge billowing cloud of very black smoke rising out of La Solution. Along with what felt like nearly everyone in town, we ran to see what was happening and how we could help.

Four houses burned. I don't think anyone was hurt, but I don't have all the facts yet. Lee helped the guys bring the hose from the only place you can park down through the wooden planks and to the burning houses. People were scrambling to get their belongings out of their homes since all the houses are built of wood (and cardboard) and are literally attached to each other by simple bridges.

I didn't get too close to the fire, but am hoping to go see the damage tomorrow.......

Life can change so easily in an instant.

Trying to pay attention, 

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Live is an adventure, Live it!


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