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Light Inside a Homeless Man

I asked Jerry where he lives.
His face brightened.
"On the street" he beamed, "or on the beach"

Lets go back a bit....
I have seen Jerry cleaning in the park. I have seen him sweeping and picking up trash. And I have seen him taking a little nap on a park bench. I thought he worked for the town.
He doesn't.
He just likes things to be clean.

I met him in the street today. He was pushing a shopping cart filled with an old broom and dust pan, an old lamp, a fan, and a back pack. He was carrying a small package in his hand and I was surprised when he showed me what was inside. A new wheel for his shopping cart. It cost $3.50.

He didn't ask for any money. But he did tell me how he was going to fix the lamp and fix the fan.

And then there was the Bible in his pocket.

When I asked him about it, his eyes lit up. Just like they did when I asked him where he lived.

Odd thing. Did you know Jesus was homeless? He said, "Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head" Matt 8:20

I try to keep my eyes open. I try to see what the universe has each day for me to learn. Today I learned that it is possible to have your eyes light up when you speak of your homelessness.

I wonder if my eyes light up when I speak of where I live.

Embracing Discomfort,



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