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Refuse to be Safe!

I refuse to be safe.

I have been back in The States for about 6 weeks now and I keep hearing this phrase everywhere. "I'm so glad you're safe"

Does this mean I wasn't safe before?

I keep hearing it everywhere, not just directed at me. Everyone is saying it to everyone. Like Zombies walking around asking each other, "Are you safe?" "Yes, I'm safe."  "I'm so glad you're safe."

What has happened?!

Is the world such a big scary place out there?  I see all over Facebook people talking about how they are afraid for people who are traveling, especially going over seas. I see people saying they will never go anywhere.


How can we change the world if we are safe?

I believe this is all by design. I believe the powers that be want you to stay home and watch your TV. I believe they want to distract you, disconnect you, instill fear in you. PARALYZE YOU!

Don't let them. Get out of your comfort zone. It isn't a big scary world out there. Its beautiful!

Please...Don't become infected by the Zombie Apocalypse.

Refuse to safe.
Change your world!

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Live is an adventure, Live it!


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