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Showing posts from May, 2017

The Adventure Begins: Spiritual Re-con Into The Land of The Maya

So now the adventure begins. For the longest time I have been wanting to do a spiritual-recon adventure in the Maya lands of Mexico. I lived there for a time and am very familiar with the Yucatan. Yes, its full of beautiful beaches and the sun always shines, but there is something much deeper lurking beneath the surface of the untamed jungles and glistening white sands. In less than a month, my journey will begin. In the meantime, I want to write about what has happened up to this point so both I and you can get a feeling for the overall picture, the history leading up to this adventure, the spiritual questions that have already been answered, and the questions that are still floating out there in the ether. I know long-winded articles can be a bit much, so I am going to try and keep things brief and do a series of posts, each on a different aspect or experience and all relating to the mysteries of Mexico, the Maya, and the Yucatan. That means going all the way back to the be

Want to Have a Spiritual Awakening?

Dangers of Fluoride I am having trouble staying focused this morning. My thoughts seem to have a life of their own, I feel a little scattered and unable to concentrate, and it may be due to years of fluoride exposure. Even if this day’s scatteredness is just due to the rain, I have most certainly been impacted by the fluoride that has been in my drinking water and in my toothpaste since I was a little girl.  Did you know that fluoride was originally labeled by the EPA as a toxic waste that was part of the uranium enrichment process? And yet, we are being forced to endure its effects with the promise that it is good for us, even necessary. Well here is a short list of some of the things that fluoride produces in our bodies. Cancer Genetic DNA Damage Thyroid Disruption – affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity Neurological Damage – diminished IQ and inability to focus, lethargy and weariness. Alzheimer’s Disease Melatonin Disruption -- lowers i

Give the Magic That You Have

Sometimes you find yourself trying so hard to do some good in the world, or to become successful, that you lose touch with who you really are. You spin your wheels trying to figure out what people want of need and how to meet that need or desire. But when you do that, you and everyone else misses out of the gift of who you really are. Find your joy. Follow it. This is where your power to change the world lies. Rocking the boat and letting all the pretty water in, laura for more like this, fantastic trips and retreats, the happify project, and more go to