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Tiki Bar and Trust

Progress. We are making some serious progress on the Tiki Bar. Today I hired a chef to make Caribbean tapas for me and I talked with Imperial (local Costa Rica Beverage Company) to deliver THREE coolers. Yes that is three, big coolers full of, well... let's just say full.

Anyway, the point is that progress is being made and it looks as if the Tiki Bar will be up and running for a grande party next weekend. I can't wait. This is amazing to me. I am living in Costa Rica opening a restaurant right next to the most beautiful national park in the whole country (And that is according to Forbes Magazine. I didn't come up with that myself.)

Now I believe that progress means work, and work means effort, and effort means--when you have a dream, you don't just dream it. You keep dreaming it and allow it to morph into what it wants to be. And you can't allow that--you can't let down your guard and allow the dream to come--unless you take risks. And taking risks is not easy. Risks mean having to trust yourself, your environment, the people around you, and the universe in general. That is a lot of trusting. It leaves you feeling a little like you are free-falling, like the bottom may fall out. It leaves you fearing that some of that trust may be in vain, which opens up the great pit of "the possibility of failure." But if we spend all our time worrying about what might go wrong, we never seem to get to what might go right.

We are making progress here at the Tiki Bar, and I am learning to take risks, and, yes, I am learning to trust too.


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