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Biriba: The World's Yummiest Wild Fruit

Biriba is now officially my favorite fruit in the whole world! It tastes like vanilla custard. Officially known as rollinia delisoca, its also called wild sugar apple in some places. I have two biriba trees growing in my yard and I patiently watched the first fruit grow into the size of a small watermelon and then turn bright yellow. When I popped the first bite into my moth, I had one of those, shut-out-the-world-and-enjoy-this moments. How could something growing wild taste so delicious?

Good for you?

YES! Biriba is high in iron, potassium, and vitamin C.

But more importantly to me, it's an all natural stimulant, similar to coffee or raw chocolate. In other words...

Biriba is a feel good fruit!

So my plan is to dry the seeds and see just how many biriba trees I can grow. They are considered extremely rare. Well, I will fancy myself a modern day Johnny Appleseed and plant wild sugar apples where ever I go!

Exploring the Possibilities,

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