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Good Bye For Now, Ubaldino. We Miss You

We lost a young man. His name was Ubaldino and he was 20. He was an orhpan who was left on the streets when he was about 12 with a 2 year old brother to care for. And he had a terrible skin disease.
It is so hard to understand why some are born into this world to undergo such suffering. Ubaldino could not work because his condition. He knew he could not have a girl friend, which is heartbreaking to me, to think that you could never know that basic kind of love.

We bought zinc for the roof of his house. before that, the rain poured in. We bought blankets and pillows for his bed because he had none. We bought clothing for him and for his little brother and food for their table.

But it wasn't enough.

This is difficult for me. I cared for a young man that no one would hug because of the way he looked. He came running across the street to me yelling, Mommy! everytime he was me. Sometimes I was frustrated with him because he wanted money to out minutes on his cell phone and I knew he wasn;t eating. But that is this modern life. Children and children and they want their toys, even if it means giving up food to have them.

The problems here are severe. They are difficult to solve. An orphan boy has nothing, but he wants to feel normal more than anything. Yes, he needs food. His belly is hungry. But more than that, he wants human interaction. He wants friends. He wants a family.

We will never be able to fix the world. But I hope that by reaching out to a young man and his little brother for a short time, maybe we brought some light into this place.

Rest in peace Ubaldino.
We love you.

Lee and Laura

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