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Showing posts from December, 2016

A Deaf Boy Who Can't Speak Gets a Life Changing Opportunity!

This is Pato. He is deaf and cannot speak. When we first met him, he stood in the background and didn't really connect with people. He spoke some sign language, and read lips, but he didn't interact with many people. I am sure growing up in a poor community did not make many resources available to him.   So we started waving and then buying him M&Ms and acting funny and making him laugh. Soon he was coming over to the house and cutting the yard and fixing the fence. We paid him, which I am sure was a great boost to his self esteem. But the most important part was, he was learning to relax and interact with people.  Well, last week we found Pato a job! There is a little shop around the corner where they build beautiful handmade furniture from local hardwoods. I had them make me a bed and two dressers and they did a beautiful job for a price that made me really happy.  We walk by the place every day on the way to the store, and after being so happy with ou

Travel to Mexico's Yucatan Penninsula

Soon I will be setting foot in the Land of the Maya, in Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Its a land filled with ancient ruins, extensive cave systems, remote jungles, endangered reefs,  and one of the world most mysterious histories.  Thanks to your generous charity and many wonderful donations, I will be handing out gifts to poor children and families who are dealing with poverty while I am there.  As they say is Maya, JUMBO TIK!  (thank you!) While I am there I plan to spend time with indigenous people and learn some of the Maya language. I cant wait to do some traveling across the Yucatan Peninsula, which is one of my favorite things to do. My daughter will be with me for this trip and we will definitely drink ice cold coconut water and munch on sliced mangoes tossed in chili powder, lime, and salt as we stop in little villages and check out local art and meet the people.  YEY! I now have a GoPro and that means lots of videos. I promise I will video tape explo

Witches in the Islands of Bocas Del Toro, Panama

An old black woman approached my friend. She took off her necklace and handed it to him. Hanging from the delicate chain was a thin gold coin with an odd pattern stamped in it. “Do you understand?” she asked in think Creole English as she pressed it into his palm. “No,” he answered, puzzled. “I’m a witch,” the old woman explained. This is not a story. This is real. I have no idea why the old woman declared herself to my friend. Several times, I have heard that there are many witches in Bocas Del Toro and every person who has confirmed it has warned me not to talk. So why did the old woman approach my friend? And stranger yet, why did she go on to tell him that there are many witches in the area? Why did she tell him the lady across the street is a witch? And why did she tell him what the witches are up to? Normally I would not take something like this too seriously. But in light of recent happenings, I am reeling with this information. For

Indigenous People and Art in Puerto Vallerta, Mexico

I love the color. And then there is the time it takes to produce something so intricate and handmade. The art of the indigenous people in Mexico is so vibrant and rich. I bought one of these purses and now I wear it proudly and everywhere I go I brag about its workmanship. I feel like I brought home a bit of the soul of Mexico with me. The woman who made these lovely bags made these amazing blouses too. All cotton and hand-stitched. Just imagine holding one and feeling the threads and thinking about the endless hours of labor that went into it creation. This art is a labor of love. Can we love the people who labored? Always looking around the bend, laura Please check out our FULL WEBSITE at Connect with us on Facebook at If you want to chat, you can email us at Or if you want to help us out and DONATE, you can go to PAYPAL and