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Facing Fear

I hate it when fear keeps me from doing something wonderful. I will admit, occasionally I back out and miss out. But when I stood above this 150 deep cenote (entrance to an underground river) I decided that I was jumping in, no matter what. It wasn't the long jump that scared me, although the 30 foot drop was intimidating, it was the fact that 150 feet below the surface huge caverns open up and lead to who-knows-where and have who-knows-what lurking there. But on this particular day the sun was shining and the constant water fall created subtle rainbows among the hanging roots and vines. It almost looked inviting. So I swallowed my fear and I jumped.

And I disappeared. Deep into the abyss where the water is inky. It seemed to take forever to find the surface again. But when I did, I was flooded with exhilaration. Yes...I WiLL do that again.


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