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Cappuccino and Monkeys

This guy was part of a troop of Capuchin monkeys swinging down the mountain toward the beach. They used my roof and the trees around my house as part of their afternoon path.  Apparently, this guy needed a little cappuccino pick me up. The long trip down the mountain had him yawning.

I do love how the monkeys come nearly every day. Since I have been here I have seen three different types including these guys, the tiny titi monkeys, and beefy looking howler monkeys. It's one of those things where every time they appear in the trees, I run for my camera. I suppose one day I might get used to wild, rainforest animals. I guess it is inevitable that I will not have my heart jump when I see a two toed sloth carrying a baby, or a 5 foot long iguana racing across the lawn (one did today). But until that day, I am certain I will continue to  run for my camera, unable to imagine that that day could ever come.


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