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A Rural Mexican Church and the Saint of Lost Causes.

This is St. Jude Thaddeus. He is the patron saint of hopeless cases. Here he is in a tiny outdoor church in the mountains of rural Mexico.

The beads you see around his neck and on his staff are thank offerings for miracles the local people believe he has done. 

I spoke to an old man who was sitting in the church waiting for mass to begin. He said not many people come to that church. It was so remote, I can understand why.

There is something wonderful about connecting with the locals

 It gives me the chance to hear their stories and their hearts. These are simple people, working hard and struggling. They come to this rural church several days a week to share a faith that is obviously very deep.

It blessed me to see the whole family together.

In order to know how best to reach out to people, I believe it is important to get to know them. And trips like this one to the mountains of Mexico are heartwarming and eye opening.

Setting my feet in remote places...

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